Flipping the Coin
Reb Yitzchok was renowned as one of the leading financial pillars of the kehilla. There was no cause in the community in which Reb Yitzchok’s generosity did not play a leading role in financing the initiative.
Several years ago, Reb Yitzchok’s business was drawn into a complex legal battle through no fault of his own. The court froze the bulk of his assets for the duration of the long and protracted proceedings of the case.
This placed his entire business in jeopardy, effectively putting all business operations on hold for many months. Overnight Reb Yitzchok the kind and generous benefactor, was suddenly left without a source of livelihood to feed his family. Askanim in the kehilla quickly mobilized to launch an emergency campaign to help Reb Yitzchok remain on his feet.
Needless to say, many were eager to finally reciprocate all the kindness Reb Yitzchok had shown for others over the years. A handsome amount was raised quickly, which Reb Yitzchok begrudgingly accepted due to his dire situation. Ultimately, the charges against Reb Yitzchok were deemed without merit and the court quickly restored his assets.
Reb Yitzchok quickly regained his former position as a prime benefactor of the kehilla. But the money that he took in his hour of need weighed heavily on his conscience. He had never taken tzedakah in his life and was determined to find a way to return it.
It took several years for him to muster the courage to approach the askanim that ran the campaign on his behalf. By the time he finally did reach out to them, they said they have absolutely no recollection of who the donors were at the time and there really was no way for them to trace that information after the passage of so many years.
Devastated, Reb Yitzchok reached out to some of the leading gedolim in Eretz Yisroel, asking them if there was any way he could somehow free himself from this dilemma. One rav told him about Keren Neki Kapayim and how the dayanim there could actually return each and every dollar to the original donor. Overjoyed, Reb Yitzchok quickly submitted the full amount in time for the Ma’amad Hashava of 5783.